• IEC TS 62462:2007 pdfダウンロード。Ultrasonics – Output test – Guide for the maintenance of ultrasound physiotherapy systems 1 Scope This technical specification describes methods meant to assist users of ultrasound therapy machines in checking the performance of such machines. It is applicable primarily to physiotherapists, general medical practitioners, chiropractors, osteopaths, beauty therapists,sports professionals, biomedical engineers, medical physicists, medical device service agents, commercial testers, test houses or manufacturers. NOTE The titles of all publications referred to informatively in this technical specification are listed in the Bibliography. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For...
  • IEC TS 62558:2011 pdfダウンロード。Ultrasonics – Real-time pulse-echo scanners – Phantom with cylindrical, artificial cysts in tissue-mimicking material and method for evaluation and periodic testing of 3D-distributions of void-detectability ratio (VDR) Scope This technical specification specifies essential characteristics of a phantom and method forthe measurement of void-detectability ratio for medical ultrasound systems and relatedtransducers. lt is restricted to the aspect of long-term reproducibility of testing results. This technical specification establishes: important characteristics and requirements for a TMM 3D artificial cyst phantom usinganechoic voids; a design example of a 3D artificial cyst phantom, the necessary test equipment and use otrelevant computer software...
  • IEC TS 62578:2009 pdfダウンロード。Power electronics systems and equipment – Operation conditions and characteristics of active infeed converter applications 1 Scope This technical specification describes the operation conditions and typical characteristics of Active Infeed Converters (AIC) of all technologies and topologies which can be connected between the electrical power supply system (lines) and a current or voltage stiff d.c.-side and which can convert electrical power (active and reactive) in both directions (generative or regenerative). Applications with AIC are realized together for example with d.c.-sides of adjustable speed Power Drive Systems (PDS), Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS), active filters, photovoltaic systems, wind turbine...
  • IEC TS 62597:2011 pdfダウンロード。Measurement procedures of magnetic field levels generated by electronic and electrical apparatus in the railway environment with respect to human exposure 1 Scope This Technical Specification applies to apparatus, systems and fixed installations which are intended for use in the railway environment. The frequency range covered is 0 Hz to 300 GHz. Technical considerations and measurements are necessary for frequencies from d.c. to 20 kHz because no relevant field strengths are expected above due to the physical nature of EMF-sources in the railway environment. a) The regulations regarding the protection of human beings (also bearing active implantable...
  • IEC TS 62622:2012 pdfダウンロード。Nanotechnologies – Description, measurement and dimensional quality parameters of artificial gratings 1 Scope This technical specification specifies the generic terminology for the global and local quality parameters of artificial gratings, interpreted in terms of deviations from nominal positions of grating features, and provides guidance on the categorization of measurement and evaluation methods for their determination. This specification is intended to facilitate communication among manufacturers, users and calibration laboratories dealing with the characterization of the dimensional quality parameters of artificial gratings used in nanotechnology. This specification supports quality assurance in the production and use of artificial gratings in...
  • IEC TS 62743:2012 pdfダウンロード。Radiation protection instrumentation – Electronic counting dosemeters for pulsed fields of ionizing radiation 1 Scope This Technical Specification applies to all types of counting dosemeters, irrespective of the measuring quantity and the type of radiation intended to be measured. It ensures that a single radiation pulse can be correctly measured even if the dosemeter is in the internal state relevant for measuring background or environmental radiation. The characteristics of the dosemeter for repeated pulses is expected to be better than for one single radiation pulse with the same parameters but worse than for continuous radiation, i.e., in...
  • ISO IEC 1001:2012 pdfダウンロード。Information technology — File structure and labelling of magnetic tapes for information interchange Scope1 This lnternational Standard specifies the file structure and the labelling of magnetic tapes for the interchangeof information between users of information processing systems. This International Standard also specifies volume and file structure; basic characteristics of the blocks containing the records constituting the file: recorded labels for identifying files, file sections and volumes of magnetic tapes. four nested levels of interchange. Furthermore, this lnternational Standard specifies requirements for the processes which are provided withininformation processing systems, to enable information to be interchanged between different...
  • ISO IEC 9797-3:2011 pdfダウンロード。Information technology — Security techniques — Message Authentication Codes (MACs) — Part 3: Mechanisms using a universal hash- function 1 Scope This part of ISO/IEC 9797 specifies the following MAC algorithms that use a secret key and a universal hash-function with an n-bit result to calculate an m-bit MAC based on the block ciphers specified inISO/IEC 18033-3 and the stream ciphers specified in ISO/IEC 18033-4: a) UMAC; b) Badger; c) Poly1305-AES; d) GMAC. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For...
  • ISO IEC 10646:2012 pdfダウンロード。Information technology — Universal Coded Character Set (UCS) This CD-ROM contains: 1) the publication ISO/IEC 10646:2012 in portable document format (PDF), which can be viewed using dobe® Acrobat® Reader; 2) text files containing lists of i) alphabetically sorted list of character names, ii) source references for CJK Compatibility Ideographs, CJK Unified Ideographs, and pictographic symbols, iii) Hangul syllable names iv) JIS2004 IDEOGRAPHIC EXTENSION and IICORE CJK collections, and v) Named UCS Sequence Identifiers (NUSI). Adobe and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO/IEC 10646:2011), which has been...
  • ISO IEC 10779:2008 pdfダウンロード。Information technology — Office equipment accessibility guidelines for elderly persons and persons with disabilitiesISO IEC 10779:2008 pdfダウンロード。Information technology — Office equipment accessibility guidelines for elderly persons and persons with disabilities 1 Scope This International Standard specifies accessibility guidelines to be considered when planning, developing anddesigning electrophotographic copying machines, page printers and multi-function devices. These quidelinesare intended to improve accessibility required when primarily older persons, persons with disabilities andpersons with temporary disabilities (hereafter referred to as older persons and persons with disabilities) useoffice equipment. 2Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document....