IEC 62453-306:2009 pdfダウンロードField device tool (FDT) interface specification – Part 306: Communication profile integration – IEC 61784 CPF 6 Scope Communication Profile Family 6 (commonly known as INTERBUS@1) defines communicationprofiles based on EC 61158-2 Type 8,EC 61158-3-8,EC 61158-4-8,EC 61158-5-8,andEC 61158-6-8 The basic profiles CP 6/1 (INTERBUS) and CP 6/3 (INTERBUS minimasubset) are defined in IEC 61784-1. This part of IEC 62453 provides information for integrating the INTERBUS technology intothe FDT standard(IEC 62453-2). This part of the IEC 62453 specifies communication and other services. This standard neither contains the FDT specification nor modifies it. Normative references The following referenced documents are...08-28 IEC 62453-306
IEC 62453-309:2009 pdfダウンロード。Field device tool (FDT) interface specification – Part 309: Communication profile integration – IEC 61784 CPF 9 Scope Communication Profile Family 9 (commonly known as HART@1) defines communicationprofiles based on IEC 61158-5-20 and IEC 61158-6-20. The basic profile CP 9/1 is defined inIEC61784-1. This part of IEC 62453 provides information for integrating the HART@ technology into theFDT standard (IEC 62453-2). This part of the IEC 62453 specifies communication and other services. This standard neither contains the FDT specification nor modifies it. 2Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this specificationFor dated references, only...08-28 IEC 62453-309
IEC 62453-315:2009 pdfダウンロード。Field device tool (FDT) interface specification – Part 315: Communication profile integration – IEC 61784 CPF 15 Scope Communication Profile Family 15 (commonly known as Modbus1) defines communicationprofiles based on IEC 61158-5-15 and IEC 61158-6-15. The basic profile CP 15/1 (ModbusTCP) is defined in lEC 61784-1. An additional communication profile (Modbus Serial Line) isdefined in (2]. This part of the lEC 62453 provides information for integrating Modbus TCP and ModbusSerial Line® protocol support into FDT based systems. NOTE This part of lEC 62453 only specifies the mapping of Modbus parameters to FDT data types. Forrestrictions of protocol specific...08-28 IEC 62453-315
IEC 62453-515:2009 pdfダウンロード。Field device tool (FDT) interface specification – Part 515: Communication implementation for common object model – IEC 61784 CPF 15 1 Scope IEC/TR 62453-51 5, which is a technical report, provides information for integrating IEC 61 784-2 CPF 1 5 (Modbus TCP®) and Modbus Serial Line® 1 ) protocol support into FDT systems based on COM implementation. This part is to be used in conjunction with IEC/TR 62453-41 . NOTE This part of IEC 62453 only specifies the mapping of Modbus parameters to FDT data types. For restrictions of protocol specific parameters concerning allowed values and concerning limitations...08-28 IEC 62453-515
IEC 62457:2007 pdfダウンロード。Multimedia home networks – Home network communication protocol over IP for multimedia household appliances 1 Scope This International Standard specifies the requirements for the interface between the Home Network Lower Layer for a country’s home network of standalone-type household appliances and the TCP/IP Layer for cases where it is intended to introduce a TCP/IP Layer to each of the nodes comprising such home network of standalone-type household appliances. The specified interface in the Home Network Lower Layer consists of 2 portions, the TCP/IP Interface and the lower medium-specific Interface. Figure 3 shows the composition of the Home Network...08-28 IEC 62457
IEC 62460:2008 pdfダウンロード。Temperature – Electromotive force (EMF) tables for pure-element thermocouple combinations 1 Scope This International Standard specifies the equations and reference tables relating temperature to EMF (electro-motive force) for Gold versus Platinum and Platinum versus Palladium thermocouples. For information and convenience of use it also provides the approximate equations for temperature as functions of EMF. The tables and equations in this standard are intended for use with thermocouples made from elements of purity not less than 99.999 % for Platinum and Gold and of 99.99 % for Palladium, by weight. Tolerances on initial values of EMF versus temperature have...08-28 IEC 62460
IEC 62463:2010 pdfダウンロード。Radiation protection instrumentation – X-ray systems for the screening of persons for security and the carrying of illicit items 1 Scope and object This International Standard is applicable to X-ray systems designed for screening people to detect if they are carrying objects that could be used for criminal purposes, e.g., terrorist use, drug smuggling and theft. These objects include weapons, explosives, chemical and biological agents and other concealed items. Three types of X-ray screening systems are currently in use. These are backscatter systems,transmission systems and combination backscatter/transmission systems. With backscatter systems the X-rays are used to detect objects...08-28 IEC 62463
IEC 62467-1:2009 pdfダウンロード。MEDICAL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT – DOSIMETRIC INSTRUMENTS AS USED IN BRACHYTHERAPY – Part 1: Instruments based on well-type ionization chambers 1 Scope and object This part of IEC 62467 specifies the performance and some related constructional requirements of WELL – TYPE IONIZATION CHAMBERS and associated measurement apparatus, as defined in Clause 3, intended for the determination of a quantity, such as AIR KERMA STRENGTH or REFERENCE AIR KERMA RATE in photon radiation fields or ABSORBED DOSE TO WATER at a depth, in photon and beta radiation fields used in BRACHYTHERAPY , after appropriate calibration for a given type of...08-28 IEC 62467-1
IEC 62484:2010 pdfダウンロード。Radiation protection instrumentation – Spectroscopy-based portal monitors used for the detection and identification of illicit trafficking of radioactive material 1 Scope and object This International Standard specifies the operational and performance requirements for spectroscopy-based portal monitors used for the detection and identification of illicit trafficking of radioactive material. Spectroscopy-based portal monitors have the ability to detect gamma and neutron radiation and identify gamma-emitting radionuclides that may be present in or on persons, vehicles, containers, or packages in a static or transient mode of operation. Operational requirements established by this standard include radiation detection and gamma-emitting radionuclide identification, and...08-28 IEC 62484
IEC 62491:2008 pdfダウンロード。Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products – Labelling of cables and cores 1 Scope This standard provides rules and guidelines for the labelling of cables and cores/conductors used in industrial installations, equipment and products, in order to maintain a clear relation between the technical documentation and the actual equipment and for other purposes. The following methods are described and designated: • use of coloured cables and designated cores; • additional identification labelling; • additional connection labelling; and • additional signal labelling. The physical design of the labels, the material to be used for the labels as...08-28 IEC 62491